Children’s Ministry

We are thrilled to be gathering in-person for kids' ministry. Click on the “Learn More” button below is an explanation of procedures that have been implemented to ensure the safety of your children and families. Please familiarize yourself with the following requirements.

Youth Ministry

Middle and High school students meet together to develop their relationships with God and each other through coordinated regular events throughout the week including Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.

YOUTH GROUP|Friday Nights at 6:30 PM

Bible Class|Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM

Rooted | Young Adults

We exist for people who are done with high school, pursing post secondary education, or have started on their career path.

Every Monday night we gather for worship, teaching, prayer and the opportunity to hang out and get to know the other people in the same stages of life. Sometimes we organize some fun stuff to do too, so follow us on Facebook to stay in the loop.

Women’s Ministry

We want to celebrate woman of all ages, stages together to journey the seasons of life together.

Yearly activities: Spring Ladies day, Ladies (young and mature) tea party, mother daughter banquet, ladies weekly bible class, Senior Scholarship, Christmas ornament exchange, Fall Ladies Retreat.

Always needs help in planning, execution, setup and teardown for all events.

Small Groups

God created us to be in community with one another. At LCCC various small groups with a broad range of focus meet throughout the week. Through small groups fellow believers engage in life together through teaching, prayer, worship, sharing and fellowship. Small group fellowship is a way to develop relationships with fellow believers that are critical in our pursuit and growth in Jesus Christ. We believe that relational structures like small groups are an integral part of "being" the church and not just "doing" church.


Our congregation volunteer their time, talent, and financial resources to organizations serving the many and varied needs surrounding communities and the world. We want someone who has a heart for the local community and desires to share the love of Jesus throughout the world.


Other Ministries

  • Visitation Team

  • Audio/Visual Team